Produced by Intisar Abioto, "Black Mark, Black Legend" focuses on the history and presence of Black artists in Oregon and was published in Oregon Humanities Magazine in 2019. The work was funded through a Community Stories, Emerging Journalists Fellowship supported by Oregon Humanities Magazine and the Pulitzer Prizes. Continuing as Black Materials the work moves forward in the form of oral history interviews, photography, archival research, and active documentation - and location- of works by Black artists in Oregon.
Produced by Intisar Abioto, "Black Mark, Black Legend" focuses on the history and presence of Black artists in Oregon and was published in Oregon Humanities Magazine in 2019. The work was funded through a Community Stories, Emerging Journalists Fellowship supported by Oregon Humanities Magazine and the Pulitzer Prizes. Continuing as Black Materials the work moves forward in the form of oral history interviews, photography, archival research, and active documentation - and location- of works by Black artists in Oregon.